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日本語>英語 翻訳練習 0052 唯識wiki

唯識(ゆいしき、skt:विज्ञप्तिमात्रता Vijñapti-mātratā)とは、個人、個人にとってのあらゆる諸存在が、唯(ただ)、八種類の識によって成り立っているという大乗仏教の見解の一つである(瑜伽行唯識学派)。

Yuishiki(Concsiousness-only, skt:विज्ञप्तिमात्रता Vijñapti-mātratā)is one of Mahayana Buddhist perspectives that all the beings are only composed of eight types of consciousness(Yogachara).


These eight types of consciousness are five types of senses(sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch), mind and two-layered unconscious mind.


Hence, these eight types of consciousness as a whole includes a broad range of representational and cognitive acts of a certain individual, and even all the conscious states and unconscious realm that interacts with them in the individual.



If all the beings are merely consciousness comprised individually, they ought to be subjective beings and are not objective ones.



All the beings are evanescent, and at some point after the repetitions of birth and death, they will eventually disappear in the past.


Namely, all the beings are “empty” and insubstantial(emptiness of all dharmas).

Therefore, consciousness-only is based on the thought of emptiness of Mahayana Buddhism.


And consciousness-only is distinguished from spiritualism in western philosophy.

