
このブログは僕の英語学習の内容や進捗、特に翻訳練習を記録するために始めました。ついでに、面白い人たちとの新たな出会いがあったら、なお嬉しいです。This will be to keep a record of my English practice progress. If I can get to know new interesting people through any interactions here, that’s also nice


日本語>英語 翻訳練習 0052 唯識wiki

唯識(ゆいしき、skt:विज्ञप्तिमात्रता Vijñapti-mātratā)とは、個人、個人にとってのあらゆる諸存在が、唯(ただ)、八種類の識によって成り立っているという大乗仏教の見解の一つである(瑜伽行唯識学派)。 Yuishiki(Concsiousness-only, skt:विज्ञप्त…

日本語>英語 翻訳練習 0051 鬼滅の刃wiki

鬼滅の刃Kimetsu no yaiba 日本の漫画、メディアミックス作品Japanese comic, media mix work 『鬼滅の刃』(きめつのやいば)は、吾峠呼世晴による日本の漫画。『週刊少年ジャンプ』(集英社)にて2016年11号から2020年24号まで連載された。略称は「鬼滅」…

英語日記 痛みについて考えた

Pain is inevitable. There are moments you can’t avoid it no matter how hard you try. The world is full of pain, or a countless number of people suffering it. Nowhere to hide from it, with no exception. The world goes on with pain and suffe…

英語日記 タマネギレバーを作った

I made hígado encebollado for dinner. I referred to a couple of different recipes. In the end, I went for not adding tomato. It tasted like it was supposed to do, but I messed up with seasoning. It was too salty. Next time, I’ll add tomato…

英語日記 ユーロビジョン

I finished watching Eurovision some time ago. It was the first film that I watched after a long time. Lately I can’t keep watching a film for long at a time, so I only watch tv series of which one episode only lasts for less than an hour. …

英語日記 タマネギレバー

Vi un programa de Netflix llamado “Todo sobre los Tacos” que presentaba diferentes tipos de tacos mexicanos. Ya no recuerdo bien los detalles y los nombres de tacos, pero todos los tacos presentados parecían muy deliciosos. Una cosa que re…

英語日記 冬の温度

Today it was as if winter cold already came at my office during the day. I wore two jackets while sitting at my desk. Near the end of working hours, a coworker switched the heater on. As soon as the heater was on, I could feel warm wind co…

英語日記 格闘家と自信

Yesterday, I was unexpectedly hooked on YouTube videos by a professional fighter and spent most of the afternoon watching them. He was quite rough-and-tumble in his childhood. On one video, he recounted how his life was in his teens and it…