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縊死体 英訳 完成版 Dead Body by Hanging by Yumeno Kyusaku

I thank those who kindly gave corrections and suggestions on my translations! Because of your cooperations, this was completed!



Dead Body by Hanging

Yumeno Kyusaku




I was sitting on a bench at some park


, seeing a streak of water from a fountain keep rising high and falling in the blue sky at dusk.


I spread two or three different evening papers while hearing the sound from the fountain.


When it turned out that the article that I was looking for wasn’t found in any papers, I sneered and waded the papers up.


The article I was looking for were news reports about the dead body of a poor downtown girl who was strangled by me about a month ago inside this vacant house in the suburbs.


Actually I was in a relationship with her. One evening, when she came to see me, her hairstyle and kimono figure were breathtakingly beautiful and I couldn’t resist my feelings, so I took her into a solitary house near xx railway crossing in the suburbs.


And then, I just suddenly strangled the girl who was startled and suspicious. By doing so, I finally felt as if I relieved myself of a heavy burden.


I was thinking, if I didn’t do this, I would go insane...


Next, in order to disguise it as a suicide by hanging, I took her obi off and hung it on a transom in the room.


After that, I nonchalantly went back to the boarding house. Since then, I’ve been coming to this park twice a day, every morning and evening, to sit and look through two or three newspapers, whether it’s a morning edition or evening edition, that I buy at the entrance of the park. That has become a routine.


“A girl in kimono found dead hanging”, I was expecting such a headline...


When I confirmed that such an article wasn’t found anywhere, it became almost customary for me to sneer, looking up at the blue sky that spread above that vacant house.


Now I was doing that.


I crumpled up two or three sheets of newspapers, threw it away under the bench, and turned around to see the cloudy sky in that direction, with a cigarette in my mouth.


And then, I was going to strike a match with a usual sneer when I saw a sheet of newspaper under my feet, and I caught my breath.


It was the general news page of the evening edition of the same date (as the ones I bought), seemingly thrown away by someone who sat at this bench.


In the middle of the page, a large three-column article, which seemed specially edited, caught my eye like lightning.


Mysterious Dead Body at Vacant House
In an abandoned house near xx railway crossing, a half-skeletonized body, presumably a month after death, was found - it was a young man dressed in a suit like an office worker.


I grabbed the newspaper and rushed out of the park frantically.


And without knowing how I got there, I came and stood absentmindedly in front of the abandoned house near xx railway crossing, and it brought back a lot of memories.

Before long, when I became aware of the newspaper that I was grabbing in my hand, I looked around hastily.

Making sure that nobody was walking by, I decided to open the front door and enter the house.


It was nearly pitch black inside.


I groped in the dark and reached a room of 8 tatami mats where I hung the corpse of the girl, and I struck a match.



.... it was unmistakably my own corpse.


It was hanging from the beam by a belt, holding a cigarette in its mouth, a match in the right hand and the newspaper in the left.

I was shocked and felt faint.


I was dropping the dead match, wondering in the back of my mind if this could be all made up by the police. However, in that instant, I unexpectedly heard a young woman's laughter behind my back, in the dark.


Without a doubt, it was the voice of the girl I had strangled.

“Hahaha, now you know what I felt back then..."