
このブログは僕の英語学習の内容や進捗、特に翻訳練習を記録するために始めました。ついでに、面白い人たちとの新たな出会いがあったら、なお嬉しいです。This will be to keep a record of my English practice progress. If I can get to know new interesting people through any interactions here, that’s also nice

日本語>英語 翻訳練習 0044 縊死体 4




.... it was unmistakably my own corpse.


It was hanging from the beam with a band, holding a cigarette in the mouth, a match in the right hand and the newspaper in the left...


I was shocked and felt faint.


I was dropping the dead match, wondering in the back of my mind if this could be all made up by the police. However, at that instant, I unexpectedly heard a young female laughter behind my back, in the dark.


Without a doubt, it was the voice of the girl whom I had strangled.


“Hah, now you know what I felt then...”

