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英語日記 日本の家事事情

There have been several couples around me who divorced after long years of marriage.



It’s not hard to guess that the reasons they did so would differ according to each individual case.



However, I kind of speculate that there might be something cultural to it.



For one thing, Japan is a strongly misogynistic country.



The most part of house work from doing dish to laundry to child rearing is considered as the responsibility of wives, who traditionally would stay home as a housekeeper.



It’s normal that on a holiday, husbands and children chill out at home while their wives or mothers are busier cooking and cleaning, or doing everything than usual working days.



This might be tolerated if the wives stay home all the time.



However, due to tight household finances, they started going to work whether it’s a part time or full time job.



Also, because of the shrinking population and the lack of labor, the government has been encouraging women to work outside homes, saying they could shine brighter if they work for their job careers.



Maybe this complies to global trend of gender equality, but what remains traditional in Japan is that the society maintains its perspective that wives are responsible for all the housework.



I can picture the wives who at the end of a long day of working, tired as hell, still deal with husband and kids without recognizing her exhaustion and agony inside.



It’s not hard to imagine they would eventually be fed up.




There have been several couples around me who divorced after long years of marriage.


There have been several couples around me who have divorced after being married for a long time.


The most part of house work from doing dish to laundry to child rearing is considered as the responsibility of wives, who traditionally would stay home as a housekeeper.


Most housework, from doing dish to laundry to childcare, is considered to be the responsibility of wives, who traditionally would stay home as homemakers.


It’s normal that on a holiday, husbands and children chill out at home while their wives or mothers are busier cooking and cleaning, or doing everything than usual working days.


It’s normal that on a holiday, husbands and children chill out at home while their wives or mothers are busy cooking and cleaning, or doing everything.


This might be tolerated if the wives stay home all the time.


This might be fine if wives can stay at home all the time.


Also, because of the shrinking population and the lack of labor, the government has been encouraging women to work outside homes, saying they could shine brighter if they work for their job careers.


Also, because of the decreasing population and the lack of labor, the government has been encouraging women to work, saying they could shine brighter if they have a career.


Maybe this complies to global trend of gender equality, but what remains traditional in Japan is that the society maintains its perspective that wives are responsible for all the housework.


Maybe this matches global trends of gender equality, but what remains traditional in Japan is that the society maintains its perspective that wives are responsible for all the housework.


I can picture the wives who at the end of a long day of working, tired as hell, still deal with husband and kids without recognizing her exhaustion and agony inside.


I can picture the wives who at the end of a long day of working, tired as hell, still have to deal with husbands and kids without recognizing their exhaustion and agony inside.