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英語日記 痛みについて考えた

Pain is inevitable. There are moments you can’t avoid it no matter how hard you try.


The world is full of pain, or a countless number of people suffering it. Nowhere to hide from it, with no exception.


The world goes on with pain and suffering. Some suppose that same goes even in afterlife with assumed descriptions of hell, hellfire and agony of sinners in myths and religions. Humans have been trying to exterminate pain and suffering over thousands of years. Human history can be no other than the history of the fight against pain.


We are scared of pain. We desperately try to avoid or alleviate it even though we know it’s inevitable, with disguise of happiness and pleasure which are all ephemeral like illusion.


However, we can learn what pain is only after we face, embrace and accept it by ourselves. And that’s when we will truly begin to understand pain of others and sympathize with them.