
このブログは僕の英語学習の内容や進捗、特に翻訳練習を記録するために始めました。ついでに、面白い人たちとの新たな出会いがあったら、なお嬉しいです。This will be to keep a record of my English practice progress. If I can get to know new interesting people through any interactions here, that’s also nice

英会話スクール体験 英訳してみた

Most English learners would want to be able to speak English. Some might say that they are okay if they can only read and write in English, but the abilities to read, write and listen to in English are closely coupled with the ability to speak and so, you couldn’t simply separate them.

When I started learning English in 2013, I started going to this famous English conversation school as many of those who work full time do to start over their English studies. Although I had thought it would be ideal to have one-on-one English conversation lessons, for financial reasons I chose this group lesson course that offered one weekly lesson. Actually, I wanted to learn business English, but they said that I should learn daily conversation first, and I was assigned to such a course to learn it.


The lessons went on with conversation models designed for a variety of life situations. We students, together with teachers, would practice those dialogues through role playing and learn new words and expressions. It was like learning how to ask your friends or colleagues out for dinner, how to withdraw cash at a bank, how to convey what you want to eat and those kinds of things.


What I knew in class was that the lessons would probably be good in terms of language acquisition, but really boring to me. Of course, they were much better than the English classes that I had had in school days. However, I didn’t have any plans or expectations to place myself in a setting that we were practicing English conversation for in class, and so, I wondered about its practicality.


And for that matters, in class, we students spoke English with the teachers. Since I couldn’t speak well, most of the time it was the teachers who spoke. I just kept listening to them. On top of that, I didn’t have great interests in what we were talking about, that is, the dialogues printed on the textbook and grammar.


Although that was a huge amount of money for me to pay, I soon began skipping lessons. For one thing, they were boring, and for the other, the lessons were scheduled at night on a weekday: I used to go home once after work, and after dinner I felt lazy about going to school. Additionally, my work schedule was tricky and sometimes I wasn’t able to get off work as planned, and then I had to cancel a lesson. But they didn’t refund nor offer a supplementary lesson unless students notified them certain days before it.

Now it seems quite natural to me that only one lesson in a week doesn’t help a lot with your English. On top of that, they didn’t offer lessons on national holidays. If my lesson day fell into a national holiday, they skipped it automatically and that sometimes made an interval between lessons over two weeks. Honestly, how could you improve your spoken English in that way? The teachers, of course, were nice people, but at the end of the day, English schools are aimed at making money. I came to think that at least, the school that I went to didn’t seem to show much interest in students’ improvement to me and they just wanted to make money.


The school’s placement system seemed kinda symbolic to me. All the courses were designed according to English proficiency level of students. I was in a level 2 or 3 course, I don’t exactly remember. From time to time, I had the opportunity to take a class with students of higher levels. What baffled me was that the students from level 4 or 5 weren’t as good as I had expected, even though in reality they had already continued attending the same school and climbing English proficiency levels over several years.


The course that I was taking was planned to end in half a year. One day, near its end, they offered me some kind of counseling session about my future English study direction. My counselor said that as a result of my improvements through the lessons, I met the higher level of English proficiency and could take lessons of level 3 or 4, which I don’t exactly remember, in the following term, if I was willing to pay tuition. Strangely enough, I actually wasn’t able to decide right away because I partly wanted to continue it, but I decided to quit after all. With the benefit of hindsight, I’m really happy about my own decision.