
このブログは僕の英語学習の内容や進捗、特に翻訳練習を記録するために始めました。ついでに、面白い人たちとの新たな出会いがあったら、なお嬉しいです。This will be to keep a record of my English practice progress. If I can get to know new interesting people through any interactions here, that’s also nice


創作活動 腰痛

Many times, people will start having chronic health issues when they are in their 40s. 人々は40代になると頻繁に、慢性的な健康問題を持ち始める。 The back pain is one of such issues that torment us both physically and mentally. 腰痛は、その…


Buddha stopped off at a village and met a desperate woman who had lost a son to a disease some time before. 仏陀はある村に立ち寄り、一人の途方に暮れた女性と出会った。彼女はしばらく前に病で息子を失っていた。 She loved and couldn't forget th…


A young, good looking lady walks into a department store crowded with shoppers one day at the end of the year. 年の暮れのある日、若く容姿端麗な婦人がひとり、買い物客で混み合ったデパートに歩いて来る。 She looks to be in her mid-20s. 20代半…

After Dark トゥワイライトゾーンエピソードを基に創作

A young, good looking lady walks into a department store crowded with shoppers one day at the end of the year. She looks to be in her mid-20s. The simple combination of her white shirt and tight black skirt, both pleated neatly, which is a…

Lesson to be learned 昔練習で書いたオリジナルの創作

Buddha stopped off at a village and met a desperate woman whose son had died of a sickness some time before. She loved him so much and couldn't forget the little six-year-old boy, so she had desperately been looking for a means to cure him…