
このブログは僕の英語学習の内容や進捗、特に翻訳練習を記録するために始めました。ついでに、面白い人たちとの新たな出会いがあったら、なお嬉しいです。This will be to keep a record of my English practice progress. If I can get to know new interesting people through any interactions here, that’s also nice

英語日記 コロナ 濃厚接触者の検査を減らしたらしい

In Japan, the public health centers have been taking full control of authorized COVID testing from the very beginning of the pandemic, which is likely to be one reason why there aren’t as many tests done as in other countries: man power is too limited. Now, there was the news that due to excessive workload, they already stopped contact tracing in some cities, which means that they don’t test close-contact people around one tested positive unless examiners see the necessity. For the last couple days, the number of cases in some densely populated cities have slightly been dropping. This might not be because of the state-of-emergency effects.


As for plans for today, I’m going to have two language exchange calls in the morning if they are not canceled. After that, I’ll start making lunch. I think of a type of nabe for today. In the afternoon, I’ll most likely just chill out at home. If it’s sunny, I might go walking. While at home, I’ll probably continue to read the novel that I’ve been reading. I feel like I’ve gotten momentum and can keep reading it without getting bored for a long time. Or else, I’ll watch the Office on Netflix or the latest season of Masterchef the Professionals on YouTube. My sons might want to play board games, but that’s not sure. For dinner, I’m going to cook pork tender loin, but I haven’t found any recipe yet and have zero experience in cooking it.



In Japan, the public health centers have been taking full control of authorized COVID testing from the very beginning of the pandemic, which is likely to be one reason why there aren’t as many tests done as in other countries: man power is too limited.


In Japan, the public health centers have been taking full control of authorized COVID testing from the very beginning of the pandemic, which is likely to be one reason why there aren’t as many tests done as in other countries; man power is too limited.


Now, there was the news that due to excessive workload, they already stopped contact tracing in some cities, which means that they don’t test close-contact people around one tested positive unless examiners see the necessity.


Now, we recieved news that due to excessive workload, they already stopped contact tracing in some cities, which means that they don’t test close-contact people around one tested positive unless examiners see the necessity.


My sons might want to play board games, but that’s not sure.


My sons might want to play board games, but that’s not certain.


For dinner, I’m going to cook pork tender loin, but I haven’t found any recipe yet and have zero experience in cooking it.


For dinner, I’m going to cook pork tender loin, but I haven’t found a recipe yet and have zero experience in cooking it.