
このブログは僕の英語学習の内容や進捗、特に翻訳練習を記録するために始めました。ついでに、面白い人たちとの新たな出会いがあったら、なお嬉しいです。This will be to keep a record of my English practice progress. If I can get to know new interesting people through any interactions here, that’s also nice

英語日記 喉がずっとおかしい

I feel like I have something around my throat. This feeling maybe started around March. At first, I secretly suspected that I might have contracted the coronavirus, but since any other symptoms didn’t happen to me, I decided I didn’t.


However, the feeling of slight clogging in my throat didn’t go away, so I went see a doctor the other day. At that time, he just glanced at the inside of my mouth and said my throat looked normal. When I asked him what he thought, he just mumbled a few words like “this year more PM 2.5 than usual might be floating” and prescribed two types of medicines: one is a herbal medicine that I got to know later was a type of tranquilizer, and the other was gargle. But, so far, they haven’t been very effective. I realized that my throat might be swollen outside rather than inside. I don’t think it’s severe, but now and then, my throat gets congested and that’s annoying.